Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wishcasing Wednesday ~ feeding my hunger

There is an undeniable magic that happens when you speak your dreams and others support them. You and your wish feel held in loving admitting your dreams out loud, they begin to take shape, to hold a weight of their manifest. That's just the community that Jamie fosters every Wishcasting Wednesday. Today's wish that begs to be asked is "what hunger do you wish to feed?"

In growing through the debris of what once was, I feel a deep, deep hunger to follow my intuitive dreams to be of service to others, especially those struggling to triumph through post-partum mood disorder (PMD). Back in November I whispered this hunger to my soul sister, then I wrote it down in my goal journal...and since then I've been speaking about it to others when it tells me it needs to be heard. I do feel like it could be a pipe dream...and maybe it sounds like that to others who don't know that I'm more than a currently unemployed-recently-separated-single mom, I mean what right do I have to follow my dream when I should just get the best paying, perhaps soul-sucking job I can find and survive on that?

No, those people don't know me...and I don't wan't to know them. Nay sayers do not have a place in my life anymore.

No, it's not a pipe lives inside of me gathering energy and momentum as I help to align what needs to be in order for it to happen. I'm dreaming and wishing big because I have a responsibility to get on with what my life experience's were gifted to me for.

This hunger is so palpible I can feel it's vortex in my bones. I will feed it through my action and other's who have a similar hunger. My PMD wraparound community clinic will happen, one bite at a time.


  1. As you wish for yourself I wish for you also. xx

  2. I think the best thing you can teach your child is to not be afraid of going for your dreams! And you deserve it!

    As you wish for yourself, I truly wish for you also!

  3. As you wish for yourself, I so wish for you as well with all my heart.

    Here is the link to my wish this week:

  4. As you wish for yourself, I whole heartedly wish for you also!

  5. With such a powerful hunger, and such a soul longing to feed it, I'm positive you will!

    As you wish for yourself, sweet lady, I wish for you as well.


  6. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well :)

  7. (oops)
    As a single mom (now divorced) I advise NOT to get trapped into the "i have to get the best paying job" shtick. Once you're trapped in the pink ghetto its SO hard to get out... and it can drain your soul...

  8. Oh dearest...this is such a needed service! I wish that you find the way to accomplish this with all the grace and ease the Universe can provide you. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you as well.

  9. Loved the vortex image.
    As W*R*O wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  10. As you wish for yourself, I do lovingly and whole heartedly wish for you as well.

  11. Oh yeah!
    This is what you have been heading towards!
    may the winds of heaven fill your sails and carry you THERE!
    go get em girl!

  12. I am overwhelmed at all of you supporting my WW ~ it's been so long, and this being a new blog and all...*sniff* thank you...


  13. So beautiful - and, yes ~ that is passion, passion, passion!

    (I am even grateful to be wishing this late because you know how this spiral continues... love love love to you!)

  14. Oh, and as you so wish, I wish for you also! :-) Kind of important!!

    My Hungry Wish!
