Tuesday, January 18, 2011

one step

this move...it just feels like it's time...
time to leave the past over there while I figure out the now & over here.

 I get to put myself back together without anyone else's agenda...and that feels so freeing.

As I wish for freedom of fear of doing it on my own...I'm doing it, even if I don't see it.

The philosophies I hear myself tell my 6yr old of how to not give up, keep trying, do her best...it's all coming back to me...I'm my own teacher...who knew.

My word for 20011:  GROW


  1. grow~
    oh I like that one..
    There is another blogger I know who chose Faith...
    and I chose Joy,
    boy, it's going to be a GREAT year!

  2. Damn right it's going to a great year Illuminary ~ thx luv for your encouragement!

  3. :) GROW....

    the whispers of the angels over your life...

    may you be astounded at the beauty of your new journey.
